Credo SS


Part 1 of 6: Credo: What United Methodists Believe and Practice (God)

Keith Turman - Oct 16 2022

Credo: What United Methodists Believe and Practice. This week we focus on: God Isaiah 55:1-13 In worship this stewardship season, we will spend time walking through the Apostle’s Creed together as we examine what we believe and why. By definition, creeds outline the basic beliefs of religion and establish a set of beliefs that guide the actions of an individual and/or a community. As Christians and United Methodists, our beliefs are grounded in Biblical truths, thoughtfully examined and upheld by the faith of the many who have already gone before us. What we believe is greatly influenced by our own encounters with God. Our beliefs greatly influence our practices as we commit to follow Jesus. We give generously and sacrificially of ourselves as we uphold the ministries of the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness – our core beliefs set in motion. As we move with God as our center, God’s vision comes into focus as we live faithfully as the Body of Christ. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you and your family will continue on this stewardship journey together!

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