Keith Turman and Becky Brown preparing Lord's Supper

Our Vision

To be the living body of Christ

FUMC Waynesville’s Mission is to be the living Body of Christ, welcoming ALL…growing in FAITH…engaging the WORLD.

Purposes and Priorities

The objective of this Congregational Conference is to affirm our mission at First United Methodist Church of Waynesville and clarify who we are and what it means for us to be faithful to our mission. The Leadership Team has initiated this conversation because the decisions made at the 2019 General Conference in St. Louis threaten the core values that we feel are vital to our life together. We believe this work will enable us to move forward in strength and health.

We love this church. We strive together to be the hands and feet of Christ. In doing so, we make our church and community stronger.

Jesus teaches, “I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it.” We can’t condemn one another and further God’s kingdom. For generations, we have been a church full of grace whose members worked together despite any differences to fulfill our mission. We are all equal and entitled to equal treatment. We have always proven that we are better together. While we may have differences of opinion, we have a passion for Jesus’ teachings and we are on fire for doing God’s work. We want to continue that work living into our Mission Statement. It is important for us to have an ongoing and open conversation about things on which we disagree.

Accordingly, the Leadership Team proposes that FUMC Waynesville, in full congregational conference, state by acclamation the following:

  1. The members of FUMC Waynesville reaffirm our Mission Statement to be the living body of Christ, welcoming all, growing in faith, and engaging in the world.

  2. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the members of FUMC Waynesville long to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ, committed to a Wesleyan vision of Christianity, anchored in scripture and informed by tradition, experience and reason as we live a life of personal piety and social holiness.

  3. The members of FUMC Waynesville commit to resist evil, injustice and oppression in all forms and toward all people and build a church that affirms the full participation, on an equal basis and according to their gifts and callings, of people of all ages, nations, races, classes, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities.

  4. The members of FUMC Waynesville stand against any discriminatory treatment, restrictions and penalties in the Discipline regarding all persons of all ages, nations, races, classes, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities.

The members of FUMC Waynesville welcome all and love all.

We are better together.

Purpose: To equip and encourage our members to invite, welcome, receive, and care for all individuals so they may encounter the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ.


  • People: Recruiting and training Greeter team to cover parking lots, all entrances to the church, and Connection Points so that every person receives a minimum of two "welcome touches"

  • Facilities: Better signage, visitor parking, greater handicap accessibility, and transportation as needed

  • Community: Improve visibility and invitation (parade, tourist info, signage, etc.)

Purpose: To glorify God, to nourish the faith of our members, and to provide an invitation and entryway for others to come to faith.


  • Clarify and communicate the unique style, purpose, and vision of each worship experience.

  • Continually research and implement fresh ideas and practices, including use of current technology, to enrich worship.

  • Incorporate the diverse creative gifts of the church and community in all services.

  • Create opportunities for open discussion and introduction to worship for those seeking to know more.

Purpose: To provide substantive opportunities for all to gain a deeper understanding (head and heart) of God and grow in their faith as committed followers of Jesus Christ.


  • Create new opportunities and increase participation in transformational, life-stage-specific Bible study, Sunday School, and small groups for all ages.

  • Involve more people in intergenerational fellowship, study, mentoring, and encouragement.

  • Intentionally address needs of persons facing difficulties in faith journey (among these are divorce, grief, health, financial).

Purpose: To encourage and equip persons to respond to human need through financial giving as well as “hands-on” experiences in mission in the community and beyond.


  • Sustain strong financial support of selected mission projects

  • Develop opportunities and expectations for participation in "hands-on" mission locally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Communicate focus, goals, numbers, and needs and celebrate successes.