In Case You Were Wondering, We Miss You!

By Rev. Becky Brown | 2022-08-12 | 3 min read

Since the beginning of the Christian movement, dedicated and faithful followers of Jesus have been the lifeblood of the church. From the writings of Paul, we learn about how believers have been gifted by the Holy Spirit, and these gifts propel them into ministry with one another, and the community that surrounds their church. The strength of the church lies in the strength of the congregation. As our church continues to regain momentum after over two years of limitations and barriers, your church staff are thrilled about the opportunities for involvement in the church this Fall. We have worked diligently to continue to serve God faithfully, and to live our faith as the Body of Christ. However, we are in need of your assistance.

Prior to 2020, our church was full of volunteers – members who gave generously of their time, and contributed greatly to the life and impact of FUMC. In the wake of the past few years, we have been missing you, yes you. You may have been wondering, does the church need me? You may have been wondering, do they need help with this? The answers are YES! We have missed all of you, and have missed sharing in ministry life, if you haven’t been able to return to serve.

There are plenty of opportunities for you to plug in and serve. We need you to continue to breathe life into our ministries and programs in the church. If you’re looking for a way to serve, then please consider any of the following volunteer roles: worship greeter, worship usher, communion steward, welcome center host, Sunday school leader/small group leader, Friendship House ministries volunteer, congregational care ministry volunteer, Music Makers homework helper, Wonderful Wednesday meal server, assistance with audio/visual skills for worship, hospitality assistance, and much more. You may even have something in mind, and would like to offer your assistance!

Please see this message from our Children’s ministry:

As the summer months end, we look forward to the fall season. We are currently in need of more Sunday school volunteers! Our kids here at FUMC are amazing and need strong leadership to build and foster their character skills and spiritual health. As a Sunday school volunteer, you will experience all types of fellowship. Our Sunday school volunteers help our students by teaching in Sunday school classes, being floaters around the Sunday school area, helping with getting kids to their parents and welcoming them in with open arms. We love and need their help this coming season and hope that you will think about volunteering this fall and become a part of our Sunday school family.

We hope you will contact the staff in the front office, and let us know how you would like to serve. We look forward to helping you plug in, and find a meaningful way to serve. We value your prayers, presence, gifts, your service, and your great Christian witness. We are excited to continue to be the church with each of you.

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