
By Rev. Becky Brown | 2022-06-13 | 4 min read

Perhaps it is safe to assume that we all have a desire to make an impact, no matter our age or ability. A major part of engaging in the life of the church community is joining others as we collectively impact individuals’ lives, and our community at large. We want to make a difference, live lives that have meaning and purpose. Even though we might argue about the depth of our own personal impact (some of us are modest and humble), we can all agree that the ripple effect of our actions is felt by many.

Thanks to the leadership of our Missions Committee, we gathered together wearing our red shirts again this past Saturday morning for Community Impact Day. About a decade ago, our Western NC Conference coordinated a major event throughout hundreds of churches in the western part of our state. What would it look like if every single UMC wore a red shirt and joined one another in serving our community on the exact same day? Would our communities notice the churches? Would our churches engage our neighbors and community more deeply and with a purpose? Would the gospel be shared through actions and words? Would our faith be invigorated through our actions propelled by our understanding of scripture and the calling Jesus places on our lives? Yes, yes, and yes. So, for the first time in several years, we gathered once again as FUMC seeking to make an impact on Haywood County, while creating space for the Holy Spirit to impact each of us.

We gathered for a fantastic full breakfast, a labor of love, by a cook team of our United Methodist Men, and learned about where people were headed for the day: Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center, our own Friendship House, Habitat for Humanity Restore, Habitat for Humanity – Chestnut Park, Haywood Pathways, Friends of the Library, Haywood Community Learning Center, and both locations of Clothes to Kids. We learned more about each of these locations and the ministry and community service they provide, while we worked hard to help renew them, organize heaps of goods for them, and developed relationships with those gathered at those sites. Will our impact from Saturday be felt in our community? Absolutely. Will the impact from Saturday remain in our own hearts and lives for weeks, months, and perhaps years to come? Without a doubt.

Ian Smith spoke about our Dollars for Scholars program recipients on Sunday morning. He shared that the impact from Saturday, leads us into the celebration of the scholarship money awarded to each of the students who applied. The impact of sharing generously from our resources does not go unnoticed. The students are more than appreciative. They understand and have a deep sense of knowing that our congregation genuinely supports and loves them. That support cannot be measured, but the impact is clear.

Pastor Keith and his wife Chan embark on a Clergy Renewal Sabbatical on June 30. His last Sunday with us will be June 26. As we pray for their renewal, may we also pray for the impact this time will bring. While they are away, we will hear the word proclaimed through an excellent line up of speakers in our worship services on Sunday mornings. We are excited to welcome our July speakers and we ask to please join us in praying for each of them as they prepare to preach, teach, and share their story with us.

July 3 – Rev. Dr. Jae Lee – Smoky Mountain District Superintendent
July 10 – Rev. Scott Taylor
July 17 – Rev. Wilson Strickhausen
July 24 – Rev. Terry Bevill
July 31 – Ann Miller Woodford

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